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Legacy Overview


The Legacy program is the heart of Immanuel Homeschool Co-op. The character of our children is vitally important, and our Legacy program is available to all during 3rd period. These classes are a unique opportunity for teachers to partner with parents to help share the amazing character and love of God, and to encourage students to make healthy life choices.

Important aspects of our Legacy program:

  1. Speaks to the whole person
  2. Age appropriate in all lessons
  3. Pro-life formation
  4. Cultivates gender clarity
  5. Reveals the sacred nature of marriage
  6. Restores parental authority
  7. Fosters wholeness and healing
  8. Introduces and encourages an understanding of the character of God
  9. Encourages healthy, Biblical choices


Legacy Classes Overview:

Preschool- Character of God /The Fruit of the Spirit: This class will mainly cover the character of God and the Fruit of the Spirit. For more information, please see Focus on the Family’s Kids of Integrity.


Kindergarten- God Is Love/The Fruit of the Spirit: Students will learn about God's love for them, and why they are created uniquely as a boy or girl to love others. Family is a central focus along with a first glimpse at how loving relationships should work, even at a young age. These unique foundation lessons are beautifully woven through professional audio dramas. Student's imaginations are engaged as they listen to stories about a family in the town of Legacy, learning “heart lessons”. Students will also learn about the Fruit of the Spirit through a variety of activities.


1st Grade- God Is Life/ Godly Character Traits: 1st graders will learn the foundations of several Godly character traits. They will also learn about the power of life and the author and fiver of life, God Himself! Through the stories and activities, students begin to see life around them in new and inspiring ways, and the value of all life becomes very real. These unique foundation lessons on God is Life are beautifully woven through professional audio dramas.


2nd Grade–God Is Spirit/ Godly Character Traits: Second- graders will learn foundations of several Godly character traits. Children will also learn about God's Spirit and their body, soul and spirit. Students will learn that allowing God's Spirit to lead them is the key to walking by the Spirit, even at a young age. These unique foundation lessons on God is Spirit are beautifully woven through professional audio dramas.


3rd Grade - God Is Light/ The Impact of Choices: The students will learn a little about the names of God. Students embark on a journey through the Tales of the Kingdom and Tales of the Resistance by David & Karen Main. Children will learn their choices impact both the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness, and they quickly realize the power they have when they walk in the light. This unit brings to "light" important foundations for future decisions. Several foundations lessons are beautifully woven through professional audio dramas to teach on the truth that God is light. (see www.thelegacyinstitute.com and Tales of the Kingdom for more information).


4th Grade –God Is Father/The Fruit of the Spirit: The students in this will have the opportunity to learn about the Fruit of the Spirit. ( kidssundayschool.com) God's role as Father comes alive through the DVD presentation of The Great King by the amazing actor, David Shelton. This remarkable story is the centerpiece of this unit, and helps the students see the unique relationship between God the Father, His Son the Prince and all His children. Family and adoption are honored in this unit, along with each family member.


5th Grade - God Is One/Unity: Students will learn skills that will learn about putting on Godly character and strengthening their relationships with their families and friends. Students will learn how to use God's way of resolving conflicts and interacting with others with others. God as a union of persons is an essential element of this class. The emphasis on healthy friendships helps students create patterns and principles for all relationships, as they grow older. The student's five aspects (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social are introduced for the first time. See Not Consumed, Doorpost’s The Put On Chart, and The Legacy Institute for more info.


6th Grade - God Is Holy/The Armor of God:

Students will study Ephesians 6:10-17 and learn about the Armor of God. They will work through the Do Right Bible study from Not Consumed. This unit also transports students to Medieval Times through audio lessons from Sir Robert the Knight (played by Grant Goodeve), a special castle book, object lessons, crafts and more to bring to life the important truths about holiness. This unique approach invigorates the imagination of students and helps them want to be trained for sanctification. The unit ends with a special coronation ceremony marking a rite-of-passage event for both young royal warriors and princesses. Parents are also included in this unique and moving event.


7th Grade - You Are Designed To Be Whole: Students will cover key points of the OT with an emphasis on the character of God and the people of the Bible. This unit also introduces the concept of Sexual Integrity for the first time, using the five aspects of each person as the centerpiece. The unit begins by framing the issue of male and female uniqueness, and then highlights how to live with integrity physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Students begin to understand their choices leave a ripple or a legacy, even at this early age. Many students are already making decisions about the opposite sex, and this unit helps them manage that process with integrity, while reminding them of the key role of their parents.


8th Grade- You Are Designed To Be Life-Giving: This resource highlights God’s passion for life, and His prescription written into the human design. While parents will take the lead on the most personal biological information, these lessons create an important understanding of the power of the gift of life and the reality that each of us will leave a legacy. We'll have discussion on God's amazing creation and His intelligent and intentional design of human beings along with sharing the assurance of salvation and living out our life-giving purpose of sharing God's love in spiritual and practical ways. Our study focused on Proverbs 3:5 (Guard Your Heart) provides Biblical teaching on how students can follow through with living out God's original purpose for each of us. We will also read real stories of life-giving people and their legacies. These resources inspire students to create a roadmap for successful decision-making as they realize they too can be life-giving people right now! (see www.thelegacyinstitute.com and www.notconsumed.com for more information).


Grade 9th Grade: You Are Designed For A Great Story!

This class will spend time discussing what God has done for us and how to share it with others, using the book Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt. The last few weeks will be used to do a study on the book of Colossians that is designed to deepen the student's spiritual growth. The journey of the high school student is a search for identity. One of the best ways for a young man or young woman to secure their identity is to understand why God created them and for what purpose. Understanding their own design as male or female is a key foundation in this search. Parental guidance in this journey is important, and your willingness to dialogue with your son or daughter as they process these lessons full of theology, biology, neurology and more will make the experience life changing. The ninth graders will spend several of their class times viewing and discussing sessions by Carrie Abbott. Part of our class time will include designing a shield that reflects who they are in Christ, and a Knighting and Coronation ceremony.


10th Grade- You Are Designed With the Power to Choose:

This class covers the impact that our choices have on the direction our lives take and the legacy we leave behind. Important classtime includes decision -making from a biblical point of view, spending some time in Proverbs, and will discover the importance of pursuing God’s wisdom as we make choices. During the year, the young men will be reading “Thoughts for Young Men” by J.C. Ryle while the young women read “Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Danna Gresh. We will also be discussing abortion and will equip each student to understand and defend a pro-life point of view.


 11th Grade-The Attributes of God/ Godly Life and Relationship Choices

This class will cover the basics of our faith and how to apply them to life choices and relationships today. Students will do an in-depth study through The Attributes of God by Steven J. Lawson. To preview videos, you may find them here: The Attributes of God by Steven Lawson | Ligonier Ministries


12th Grade-Made in God's Image/Walking in the Image of God

This class will cover the truth that men and women are made in the image of God. By studying the character of who God is -- holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise -- we will understand who God wants us to be. "Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, we will discover how God's own attributes impact how we live, leading to freedom and purpose as we follow His will and be conformed to His image." Jen Wilkin *Topics included will be: God's view of concepts such as marriage, ethics, gender identity, and the sanctity of life.

For more information about the Legacy Institute Portion of the Legacy Program, visit their website. Also Click here for the full Relationships with Integrity Overview on their website.